AMULETS - Beneath the Surface

AMULETS is Randall Taylor and he has been delivering some excellent sounds for a few years now. Mostly cassettes in various cool art forms, a cd and dvd from the bandcamp site. Many releases sold out or down to a few. This one titled Beneath the Surface is simple, awesome and beautiful. Never Anything Records has captured the sounds of AMULETS and both artist and label have delivered a tape that will be sold out soon.

The sounds of Beneath the Surface are dense electronic forages being ported out of Randall Taylor's consciousness. Vintage hum of time strewn sounds delicately balanced with strings of electric origin.
The six tracks on the cassette seem to have an ebb and flow, alternating tracks spilling over with layers of sound then receding to a more singular source. The true beauty AMULETS imparts is the overwhelming feeling the listener receives. These sounds rest in the introspective world. They are thoughtful and sound best as the mind turns ideas and formulates intentions. It is easy to hear how well crafted Randall's composition is. The depth is beyond measurement of conventional methods.
Maybe why so much of his releases have sold out.

Beneath the Surface  is in the second batch from Never Anything Records. I really like this label.
Every release has been so unique. I am also a fan of consistent label artwork. Something Never Anything Records has adhered to in both the first and second batches. Excellent choice and can roll in the deck for a long time.

Never Anything Records site - bandcamp - facebook